Also, though not reflected in this table, there are global settings for fallback mechanisms if some of the contributing components do not provide any caching-related information. 另外,如果某些提供信息的组件没有提供任何与缓存相关的信息,则可以使用后备机制的全局设置,不过这一点没有在此表中得到体现。
They are a common pattern used for global objects in an application, such as database connections and configuration settings. 它们是应用程序中用于全局对象的一种常见模式,如数据库连接和配置设置。
In the global settings, add the following directives 在全局设置中添加以下指令
In most installations, this file contains global settings and relies on server-specific files in the/ etc/ xinetd. d directory. 在大多数安装中,这个文件包含一些全局设置,具体使用的设置取决于/etc/xinetd.d目录中的特定于服务器的文件。
There are three global settings in WebSphere Portal which influence global values relevant for caching in remote caches WebSpherePortal中有三个影响与远程缓存中的缓存相关的全局值的全局设置
Systems administrators can set some global settings, too, to make a system more accessible. 系统管理员可以进行一些全局设置,这样可以使得系统更容易访问。
The global cache works out of the box, with default settings, and no configuration& you just switch it on! 全局缓存是开箱即用的,可以采用默认设置,不需要进行配置,只需打开它即可!
Of course, you can also create a global script and use conditionals and the environment variable HOSTNAME to choose the appropriate settings. 当然,您还可以创建一个全局的脚本,并使用条件和环境变量HOSTNAME以选择合适的设置。
Protect the global and application theme directories with proper access control settings. 使用正确的访问控制设置来保护全局和应用程序主题目录。
Global themes are like page themes in that they include property settings, style sheet settings, and graphics. 全局主题与页面主题类似,因为它们都包括属性设置、样式表设置和图形。
Expand Global Settings, right-click Message Delivery, and then click Properties. 展开全局设置,用鼠标右键单击邮件传递,然后单击属性。
You cannot perform a global search-and-replace operation to change role definition names or role assignment settings, or to find all the role assignments that include a specific user or group. 您不能通过执行全局搜索-替换操作来更改角色定义名称或角色分配设置,也不能通过这种方式查找包括特定用户或组的所有角色分配。
But it would be a convoluted puzzle to fix where China stands in a comparative scale in contemporary global settings. 但要搞清楚中国在当代全球布局中的位置相当费劲。
The directory objects that correspond to these configuration objects reside in the global settings container, under the exchange organization container in the configuration directory partition. 对应于这些配置对象的目录对象驻留在配置目录分区中的exchange组织容器下的“全局设置”容器中。
Log in to the Admin console and click "Global deployment Settings" from the Applications section of the Left-Hand-Side navigation menu. 登录到管理控制台,点击“全局部署设置”菜单中的应用从导航条的左侧边。
No default global e-mail server settings have been specified. 尚未指定全局电子邮件服务器设置。
Click next to display global counters for the currently verified drivers or back to create or delete verifier settings. 单击“下一步”来显示当前已经验证的驱动程序的全局计数器,或单击“返回”来创建或删除验证程序设置。
Initiate information-sharing strategies that promote effective prevention, treatment, control of XDR-TB at global and national levels and also in high HIV prevalence settings; 发起能够在全球和区域级以及在艾滋病毒高流行环境中促进有效预防、治疗和控制极端耐药结核病的信息交换战略;
There are no domains in the global settings to be applied to user services. 全局设置中没有要应用于用户服务的域。
Global markets are under the spell of central banks and their unprecedented monetary policy settings, it said. 国际清算银行表示,全球市场被央行和央行史无前例的货币政策安排施了魔法。
Otherwise only global permission settings would be available. 否则只能使用全局权限设置。
When set to true, this parameter specifies that the recipient preferred message format settings will override the global settings for mail sent to this user. 设置为true时,对于发送到此用户的邮件,此参数指定收件人首选邮件格式设置将覆盖全局设置。
Controls the global audio settings from script. 从脚本控制全局音频设置。
Move to message delivery starting from global settings. 从“全局设置”开始,移动到“邮件传递”。
For more information about user services global settings, see help. 有关用户服务全局设置的详细信息,请参阅“帮助”。
Conducting trials in global settings could save time and money. 在全球环境下实施临床试验会节约时间和金钱。
View or modify the outer package global variable settings for the Execute Package task. 查看或修改执行包任务的外部包全局变量设置。
The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low-and middle-income countries, particularly in urban settings. 这是一个全球性问题,逐步影响着许多低收入和中等收入国家,尤其是在城市中。
Even as the global economy strengthens, monetary policy settings in some advanced economies may bring renewed stress and volatility to financial markets and changes in monetary stance need to be carefully calibrated and clearly communicated in order to minimize negative spillovers. 即使全球经济得到加强,一些发达经济体的货币政策仍可能给金融市场带来新的压力和波动,这些政策的调整需要谨慎制定并与各方清晰沟通,使其负面外溢效应最小化。
However, many current studies failed to notice certain macroscopic disparities between Archaean and Phanerozoic geological entities rationally and understand global gold occurrences and some tectonic settings properly. 但是,目前众多研究对前寒武地质与显生宙地质的宏观差异、世界金矿一些总体规律及若干具体大地构造背景等尚认识不足。